16. Simulating Bristle This tutorial introduces the procedure of adding bristle with Photoshop CS 4. Open an image with a man. Zoom in the image to make it more convenient. Create a new layer clicking the Create a New Layer button. Select the Brush Tool. The color you choose should correspond to the man hair color. Select the brush type right-clicking the image, then set the size. As you proceed, you may decrease the brush diameter depending on the coloring spot. Paint the future bristle area. Next, you apply the Noise -- Add Noise filter to the layer with the bristle. Check the Gaussian and Monochromatic boxes. Set the noise value depending on the picture dimensions. Click OK. Next, you need to select the unshaven area. Create a face size selection area using the Elliptical Marquee Tool. The center must be positioned on the bridge of the nose. Select the Blur -- Radial Blur filter. Define the parameters in the new dialog displayed: Blur method -- Zoom, Quality -- Best. Amount -- 10. Define the mixing type Hard Light for the layer with the bristle. Altering Opacity, you can adjust the intensity of the effect. Compare the result with the initial image.
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